Publishers should be wary of NewsBreak


NewsBreak is the top-ranked News & Magazine app on the Google Play Store in the U.S., even beating out fourth-ranked Google News.It’s a content / news aggregator that recruits local publishers and content creators to syndicate their content. It then distributes that content via its website and iOS / Android apps.NewsBreak promises publishers the ability to reach over 50 million active monthly readers, with full attribution, analytics, and a revenue share of advertising that is delivered around your content.But before signing up, publishers MUST read the fine print.An unlimited content licenseWhen you join NewsBreak’s publisher program, you must agree to their Publisher Terms of Service which contains an extremely broad content license:You hereby grant to us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, fully paid, and sublicensable license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, publicly perform and display your Content, store, tag, transmit, disassemble, publish, translate, and create derivative works from the…  

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I’m Eric Shanfelt and for the past 30 years, I’ve worked with hundreds of consumer, B2B, and regional media companies to grow their digital business. To succeed online, your entire digital ecosystem must work together: content, advertising, website, email, subscriptions, social media, etc. Whether you need overall digital strategy and execution, training and support for your team, or extra focus on a specific project, contact me and let’s talk.

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